Earlier this year we launched Read for the Planet, an initiative designed to use the power of reading to inspire students to care for the environment. Through curated lesson plans and a selection of new eco-themed books and e-books, educators across 60+ schools introduced new conversations about our planet into their classrooms.
This initiative reached over 1,500 students across Canada, inspiring not only a love of reading, but a love for our planet. To learn more about the Read for the Planet initiative, and why it’s important to support the next generation of changemakers, take a look at our visit to Cedarwood Public School. From milk bag weaving to lights out lunches, these students are taking their learnings from the classroom, and making change in their community!
About Cedarwood Public School
As a Certified Eco-School, and Read for the Planet participant, Cedarwood students (of all ages) are setting an example of what it means to be a young changemaker. Grade 8 sisters, Season and Vivian, are two of the changemakers leading Cedarwood’s Act Green team – a group of dedicated students responsible for carrying out the school’s environmental initiatives. Whether it’s encouraging students to upcycle their plastic milk bags, or checking each classroom to ensure proper recycling etiquette, these students show how small daily actions can contribute to big change.

Why did we create Read for the Planet?
As we continuously evolve how we support students and educators, we conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of the programs we run. One recent survey reported that 83% of our educator community indicated a need for more environmental literacy resources and support. These findings are further supported by a national study conducted by Lakehead University in partnership with Learning for a Sustainable Future, which cited that only 32% of educators across Canada feel they have the knowledge and skills to teach about climate change. The study indicated not only a need to educate students, but to inspire students to take action, with 46% of students reporting that they understand that human-caused climate change is happening, but do not believe that human efforts will be effective in mitigation.

As part of their sustainability journey, Indigo sets goals each year to create impact within their products and operations. This year, Indigo’s sustainability team formed a new partnership with our foundation to expand their sustainability journey to reach our community. By leveraging Indigo’s platform as a leader in sustainability and Indigo Love of Reading’s expertise in literacy and children’s programming we created “Read for the Planet” and launched this initiative across Canada.
Continuing to support young changemakers
Thanks to our incredible partners at Lomi, each Read for the Planet partner school will be receiving a free Lomi Composter to help put their learnings into action. With these new composters, students will be able to see their lunch and snack waste turned into plant food for their school or community garden. We are so grateful to our friends at Lomi for making it easier for students across Canada to care for the planet!